Aug 14, 2012

Thank you to all of our soldiers

I just want to say thank you to all of the service men and women around the world. They have the most important job of all. It is their sacrifice and hard work that allows the rest of us to do what it is that we do. Without the armed services, there would be no point in being a baker, farmer, ceo, salesman, or writer. We have a great debt to these brave men and women. It may seem like a small thing, but I always thought a little recognition and gratitude can go a long way. So, once again, thank you for keeping us safe.

I have recently discovered something called the Operation E-Book Drop. Started by Ed Patterson to give his own books for free to our service men and women, he found there were many other writers willing to offer up their works for free. I have joined these ranks. If you are in the armed forces and would like to benefit from this program that offers thousands of books for free, follow this link for Ed's email where he can get you in the program.

Again, thank you for everything you do. And as always,
Happy Reading
--R.A. Wilson

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