May 15, 2012

Smashwords Smash!

In order to expand Endospore's potential reader base, it has been uploaded to Smashwords. It is currently pending but efforts are being made to get it put through their distribution to iTunes, Kobo, the Sony book store, and other such venues that have not been accessible before now. The eBook on Smashwords is DRM free and available in all major, and most minor, eBook formats. Check it out.

May 10, 2012

Endospore Typos

I know there is a lot of them. I really do.

Do you know what the real difference is between an indie book and a New York published book? Editing. That's the main thing. Editing. As an indie publisher, it is cost prohibitive to get good copy editing done. Practically no author can edit themselves. You know what it is supposed to say, so if you don't catch it on the first read through, you usually won't because you are reading as much from memory as from the page.

I am working toward getting this done, however. Every bit of revenue coming in from my books is going to the cost of getting ENDOSPORE copy edited, which will fix all of the typos. It is coming, but I don't really know when. When it is ready, it will replace the current copy, and Amazon will email all of those with a copy to get the new one. The cool thing is, I can get some high profile reviews done afterward. That will help so many more people discover what all of my faithfuls out there already know.

So here is what you can do to help. Tell everyone you can about ENDOSPORE, about how much you enjoyed it and that you recommend it to them. It is true that nothing helps book sales more than good word of mouth from one friend to another. What is paid goes back into the book to make it the most perfect version of itself.

Again, thanks to all of you out there for the support you have shown. It is quite humbling that my words have become a part of your lives.

Happy reading
--R. A. Wilson

May 2, 2012

Change of Plans

With my current work load, it seems next to impossible to continue work on my next epic fantasy novel that will be the advent of the Ravin World books. So I am (sigh) putting it aside for right now. Fret not! I will return to it, just not until next year, or at the soonest the end of this year. I'm doing this because I want to wait a little to let the story gestate in my head and develop a little further, which will help this 20ish book series come to life all the more smoothly and require less rewrites. BUT, in the time being, I'm not going to be sitting idly. I'm starting two, that's right, TWO different projects right now. Neither one will take much time to get right, and both will be published before the year is out. I can't say much about them right now, but as they become well underway, I'll add more information here and create their own pages on For now, just keep yourselves in suspense. It won't be too long of a wait to see the first of these. When they're done, then I'll pick up on the Ravin World stories where I am leaving off. This was a difficult decision, but I feel all three of these projects will be better off for it. Until then, happy reading!

-- R. A. Wilson